PR15M: Guilt (Ink)

PR15M: Guilt By Ink Those first days after Ice’s return were overwhelming and, if for me, then how much more so for Ice. I could feel it radiating from him in waves that pulsed in my temples and throbbed in my chest and yet there was precious little I could do except be there for him in the quieter hours of the night after the doctors and the visitors finally left him to some measure of peace. It wasn’t surprising. Hae-jin and the Black Dragon security team managed to keep a great deal of the media at bay, but news of his return slipped out despite their best efforts. Journalists camped at the hospital doors and did their best to make it to the private room the company had transferred Ice to and so security around him was tight. Then, naturally, there was his actual physical condition to take into consideration, which wasn’t great, and the questions. So many questions. His physical and emotional condition led to many of those questions. It wasn’t only about where he’d bee...