What to say if not 'said'? (Has the verb 'said' become obsolete?)

What to say if not 'Said'? Has the verb 'said' become obsolete? Recently, someone (on Twitter?) raised the question: "Does anybody else hate the word 'said' as much as I do?" which I took to imply that this particular person has a personal dislike of the verb in question. I asked for enlightenment, genuinely curious as to why this might be the case, but have yet to receive a response. It did, however, raise a valid question. Is the word 'said' genuinely unnecessary or obsolete? There is a great deal of writing advice in circulation advising against over-use of this word in dialogue. But I argue that 'said', in the same way as any other word, has its place if used in the right way and in the right places. It's all about context. To my way of thinking, 'said' is a neutral speech tag. It merely defines 'who' spoke without assigning emphasis to the manner in which the content was spoken. As an example, take the dialog...