The Little Eden Diaries: New habits begin with small things
The Little Eden Diaries (OR Chronicles of an Author come Accidental Guinea Pig Farmer) Making writing a daily habit. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and it doesn't matter what that journey actually represents, whether it be a literal trip to someplace or learning a new skill or doing the day's chores or, given I'm a writer (when I can get my sh*t together), writing a novel or a blog or even a post on SM. The only damn way stuff is gunna get done, is to get on and get it done! If necessary: One. Step. At. A. Time. Or one word at a time. Because one word today and tomorrow and the next day is already three words that weren't there yesterday and one word generally leads to another word and another and another until you have a sentence, a paragraph,, a page, a chapter, and A NOVEL! Fancy that. 🙄 I'm a procrastinator, a super-specific procrastinator because, oddly enough, I procrastinate most often about the one thing I actually enjoy the most...