For the love of what we do (Writer)

For the love of what we do By Writer Scarred oak desk, clunky manual typewriter with sticky keys, an over-flowing ashtray and a half-full glass of red or tumbler of whiskey. Sheaves of paper stacked in haphazard piles. Yellowed notes and scrunched discards. And the writer; hunch-backed in overcoat, beanie and scarf, red-nosed, and red fingertips pounding at the keys from within moth-eaten fingerless gloves. A half-eaten sandwich standing discarded alongside a cold cup of coffee. The clichĂ© of the impoverished and determined author barely scraping by on dreams and determination. Is it that far removed from the reality? No dream comes for free. Whether it’s an idol trying to make debut or an athlete aiming for a medal, an entrepeneur striving for recognition or an artist seeking recognition; where there’s a dream, there’s a price to pay. Whatever the goal, mountain figurative or literal, it doesn’t come without the climb. Nobody ever woke up a winner on ...