Origins of Darkness (Tai)

Origins of Darkness By: Tai As a rule, I try to avoid talking too much about myself, about my past, about the origins of the themes I express in my writing. Personal has always felt a bit too self-involved, as if I’m either justifying or seeking pity, neither of which are things I wish to claim. But lately, I’ve seen people use their personal experiences to encourage and enable others, to comfort and to support. We all have our demons and our baggage and from those experiences of darkness come the most powerful and resonating of words. I’ve often said, ‘I’d never change a thing,’ NOT because I enjoyed the experience, Hell, no to that, but because out of my twisted past comes the motivation to help others. I wouldn’t wish my past upon my worst enemy but the truth is, I’m (very unfortunately) NOT alone and if I can say, ‘I survived and so can you’ then it’s all been worthwhile. ALL of it, no matter how painful it was and still is. There are few remaining memories of my...