Yin and Yang (The Light)

According to the fundamental concepts of Ancient Chinese mythology, yin and yang is a concept in dualism, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world.

In Chinese cosmology, the Universe creates itself out of a primary chaos of material energy, organized into the cycles of Yin and Yang and formed into objects and lives. In the cosmology pertaining to Yin and Yang, the material energy which the Universe has created itself out of is also referred to as qi.  

Source: Wikipedia

Yin and Yang

From: The Voice of the Light 

Why is it always the voice of the Dark which holds the greater attraction? The Dark whispers in your minds of power and control. They promise you wealth and infamy. They beckon you with your deepest desires even when they play upon your greatest weaknesses. They are the one you name Devil and Satan and, at the same time, you fail to recognize them as all your basest instincts. The Dark is obsession. They are hatred and war and Chaos. The Dark tears apart the things we, their twin, put together for your benefit. You decline us and worship them, failing to understand there cannot be one of us without the other.

Let us take you for a brief moment to the beginning.

In the beginning, before all other things were, there was nothing, a nothing so complete as to be beyond comprehension either mortal or divine. It was neither of the Light nor the Dark, neither good nor evil, neither Order nor Chaos but simply the Void; endless, timeless, and empty.

To the Void came the Spark, a coalescence of all that was not and all that was and all that could be and, for an eternity beyond recall, the Spark was alone in the Void, without purpose or direction or awareness.

The Spark split.

Of one half it was we who came to be, the Light, also called Order, we who are the source of all things in creation, the birth of worlds, of life, and of Destiny. It was we who became the center of Iilyn Tsamahl; the world between and the world of origin, the source of Order and of peace and light.

Of the other half came to be our twin, the Dark, also called Chaos, the source of all undoing, the falling of worlds, of death, and of Fate. The Dark became the center of the mirror to Iilyn Tsamahl, the name of which they deemed forbidden and unknown, the source of Chaos and of conflict and madness, the crucible of the end of all things.

Together we are Balance and Harmony, the Yin and the Yang, for without one there can not be the other.

For our part, we sent forth those of our creation to seed the multiple planes of existence with life and wonder. In the order of seasons, in the birth and majesty of stars, in hope and in faith, there is our handiwork. We are both the first blooms of Spring and the last rays of the sun in the twilight. We are the voice to whisper in your mind of your promise and the inspiration driving your accomplishments both small and great. And when the world becomes dark, it is we who offer you the light to bring you to safety.

Our sibling, the Dark, also sent forth envoys, ones of dissension and discord to bring about destruction and ruin and the undoing of the things we build. Where we are, there also are they. They are the voice to whisper doubt in yourself or to plant your minds with seeds of mistrust. It is they who tell you there are no rules and there is no hope. It is they who call you to quit when you should go forward and to leap when you should pause. Anytime you are at war with your instincts, they are there.

Balance does not require you to embrace Dark equal to Light. Our sibling exists in every death and in every storm and in every collision of stars in the sky. There is Chaos sufficient without those of the Light to feed them and it is in embracing the Dark that imbalance exists for you were born of Light.

Seek the Light, seek us, and we, in turn, will seek you.

Aht insalar. May the Light be with you. Always.


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