Fighting! (Soldier)

Fighting! By Soldier War is a complex matter. Sometimes, battles are fought externally; against a clear and common enemy, against crises with an external origin. Sometimes, battles are fought internally; against each other. Our battle currently has gone beyond being against each other and has become one against fear, indecisiveness, doubt, and hopelessness. Oddly enough, the turning point in the battle was a previously anticipated external crisis. Which is not unusual. An external crisis can force united action. There’s no time for internal conflict when external matters take precedence. This was true in our case even if it began with a period of hysterical amusement at our own expense. As was previously discussed in our post ‘ Insidious ’, depression had consumed and overtaken us, for no single specific reason. Nobody of our number was listening and nobody was in a position to follow my lead back into the light. Darkness had overwhelmed us. It happens and the only wa...