The Problem with DID: Dealing with Multiple Opinions in the Same Mind

 The Problem with DID

Dealing with Multiple Opinions in the Same Mind

For those not automatically in the know, DID is the acronym for Dissociative Identity Disorder and, since this isn't a treatise on the condition, if you wish more specific insight, please feel free to look it up. 

In its simplest nutshell, DID refers to having multiple identities residing within one mind, and, most often, those identities are independent of one another and rarely communicate between themselves. This can lead to complications. Many complications, not least of which occur when they have differing and oftentimes completely opposing opinions on things. 
I have DID and, to date, somewhere around seven separate personas reside in my mind. I liken it to having a boardroom meeting taking place between my ears. A boardroom meeting before it's been called to order, when everybody is talking at once without any specific agenda. It can get very noisy and very confusing.

The reason I was inspired to write this is because I can't necessarily guarantee who is in charge at any given time, and any one of these conflicting personas might well take it upon themselves to voice their opinion. Sometimes verbally, resulting in conversations I later don't recall having, and sometimes in the written word. As a rule, two are responsible for the creative writing process. I know who is writing my current WIP, for example, and I'm happy to defer to their judgment. But when it comes to opinion pieces, it's anybody's guess who has what to say.

Fortunately for me, I guess, I don't exactly have a vast following of regular readers so it's highly unlikely the contradictory opinions are going to come to light. However, should somebody haul me up about it, "But you wrote this over here and yet that over there", this is quite possibly the reason

Admittedly, this may not always be the case. Perhaps I changed my mind. Perhaps some new piece of evidence or information came to light which has made me revisit my opinion. Always possible. But, just in case, I wanted this out there and, if it happens and you happen to pick up on it, please feel free to bring it to my attention (and it would be especially beneficial if you could try to do it without judgment). It helps me, it helps all of me to know what's going on, simply because I, the central id, am often in the dark.

If you have any questions about living with DID, please feel free to comment or message me. I'm always happy to discuss. Meanwhile, 

Happy writing, everyone.


  1. Well said! 💜 And very brave of you to say it. I haven't noticed any contradictions, fyi

  2. Love all of your diverse personers my scribe and it keeps us on our toes.

  3. Thank you for helping me to get to know (all of) you better.


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